Publications              (underlined items are linking to the content or can be downloaded as pdf-files )


Brochure in conjunction with the exhibition; ‘From Seeing To Acting’ published by ‘Radical Reversability’ 2021

‘A critical history of media art in the Netherlands’ (isbn: 978-94-92852-14-4) 2019

Cat. ‘Kairos Castle’, guestcurator/writer Joke Hermsen, Kasteel van Gaasbeek, Belgium, 2017 (isbn: 9789401442893)

Brochure published in conjunction with Bogers’ soloshow; "Bodyscanning" at Parts Project, The Hague,  2017

Television interview ‘France 3’, Clermont Ferrand, Auvergne, France.

Radio-interview with Toms Aunins, recorded in Riga, Latvia 05-2014.  Duration:30 minutes.

Cat. "RESONANCE European Sound Art Network 2010-2014" (including an interview with Harold Schellinx)

Avro Kunstuur/ Fonds BKVB, DVD ‘4-art’, interview with Bart Rutten (curator Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam)

Cat. ‘Medium Religion’, Published by ZKM, Center for Art and media Karlsruhe, Germany on the occasion of the exhibitiom: ‘Medium Religion’, 2009

Language In Art’, chronicle of the art manifestation NewCanvas©Poetry&Art for Poetry International Festival 2004/5/6, ISBN 978-90-8967-032-8

Cat. ‘Artist File 2009’, released together with show at the National Art Center Tokyo, 2009, Hirai Shoichi

‘On the performativity of documentation and preservation of video-installations’  by Jennifer Steetskamp, 2008 (written on the occation of two Peter Bogers retrospectives)

Cat. ‘Play-Rev.-Play’, released end 2007 at the solo-show ‘Play-Rev.-Play’,  Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart, BRD, Hans D Christ & Peter Bogers

Review in ‘Frieze’  on solo-show ‘Play-Rev.-Play, issue 104 January-February 2007

NRC Handelsblad, 25-08-2006, ‘6 vragen aan Peter Bogers’ by Machteld Leij

Article in ВЕЧСЕТИТЕЛЬЕРНИЙПО (‘Art Electronics’= russian art magazin) 23-4-2005 by Anna Kharkina

Volkskrant 02-06-2003, ‘Impakt festival verzuimt juiste keuzes te maken’(review)

Cat. of solo-exhibition: "Shared Moments" at Wood Street Galleries, Pittsburgh- PA, 2002, Iris Dressler

Cat. ‘Power’,Casino Luxembourgh, 09-2002, Doreet Levitte

NRC handelsblad, 28-08-2002, ‘sadistisch stoeien in landhuis’, Sandra Heerma van Voss (review)

Volkskrant, 15-08-2002, ‘Lief, raar, of wreed, maar altijd menselijk” (review)

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review 13-09-2002, ‘Sharing the Moment’, Kurt Shaw (review)

Pittsburgh Post Gazette, 6-09-2002, ‘Watching the Watched’, John Hayes (review)
Cat. "The Gravity Of The Immatererial” Museum of Contemporary Arts, Taipei, 2001 Jo Hsiao (interview)

Cat. "Videochronique"  Marseille, France 2000  Martine van Kampen & Jaap Vinken

Cat. Hirouville-St Claire    "Videoart Plastique"  1999 Martine van Kampen & Jaap Vinken

Cat. "Vision Ruhr" GERMANY, 2000

kM magazin nr32, 1999, ‘Het analyseren van de artistieke intentie’, Nadine Bors

Cat. "European Media Art Festival" Osnabrück, GERMANY 1999 Hermann Nöring

Cat. 'Reservate der Sehnsucht' 08-1998 Iris Dressler, Dordtmund, GERMANY

Montevide/TBA publication: ´Mutaties & Metamorfoses´, 11-97 Jorinde Seijdel.

Cat. ´Short Cuts, anschlüsse an den korper´ 09-97 Iris Dressler, Dordtmund, Germany

Cat. + CD-rom 'The Second, Time based art from the Netherlands´ 02-1997 Jorinde Seijdel.

VPRO-radio “De Avonden”,one hour interview with Rudi Fuchs (director “Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam”) 1996

Cat. 'hArtware, medienkunst aus den Niederlanden'   Dortmund  GERMANY  17-5-1996 Iris Dressler.

Magazine for photography: Perspectief No 49   05-1995  ´(Alter) Ego Documents´, Bas Vroege.

Cat. 'Impulsen5', C.B.K. Dordrecht, Netherlands 01-1995 Robbert van Venetie

Cat. + CD-rom ' Babbage dreams'  C.B.K. Groningen, Netherlands  05-1995 Frits Maats & Henriette Kindt.

Het Financiele Dagblad 'Verdieping en concentratie in reprise', Mirelle Thijsen, 10-05-1996.

Cat. 'De Kracht van heden' Fonds voor beeldende kunsten, vormgeving en bouwkunst, 1993

Cat. '4th international art festival WRO' 1993, Wroclav Poland.

Haagse Courant 27-11-1992, ‘Frozen Voice in Archief’, Cees v/d Geer (review).

Cat. ‘Prix de Rome’, Amsterdam 1991.

Bremer Nachrichten 18-12-1991, ‘Die tiefen Rädsel bewegter Bilder’, Detlef Wolf (review).

Cat. 'Schau mir in die Augen' videobeelden voor Kassel, 1991

Cat. 'Zaad'  C.B.K. Dordrecht, Netherlands,1986.

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Born:              3-1-56, Dordrecht, The Netherlands

Education:  1977-1981 Graduate Art Academy St. Joost, Breda, sculpture

                         Working as an independent artist since 1982

Peter Bogers