

2022   artwork commissioned by Sabine Vroom (private purchase)


2020   audiobijdrage aan het on-line geluidproject ‘Soundhouse’ van Nico Parlevliet


2016  artwork commissioned by Hans Bruijn (private art collector)


2016   production of a film-installation (Religious Road Movie) commissioned by ‘Videoformes’ in Clermont Ferrand, France.


2013  production of an audio-installation (‘Untamed Choir’). Commissioned by ‘Resonance’ European Sound Art Network


2012   production of two video sculptures: ‘Chain’ and ‘Medical Imaging’, commissioned by Sabina Kamstra, head of
            the art department  of the Amsterdam Medical Centre; AMC.


2011     Two audio-works as a contribution to the internet-radio project “CommandoRadio” initiated by the Dutch artist Nico Parlevliet.


2009     Production of several works for 'Virtual Museum Zuidas’ (Moving images in public space) Amsterdam.


2006     Production of videowork for the manifestation: ‘Mensenfamilie’, in university centre ‘De Uithof’, Utrecht.

            Commisioned by SKOL (Stichting kunstmanifestatie op lokatie)


2004    production of a video-film about Malta. Commissioned by:

             Int. filmfestival: Film by the Sea and ‘Kunstgebouw’ stichting kunst en cultuur Zuid-Holland.


2001     Production of videowork ('Shared Moments Chapter1)

              Commissioned by: hArtware projecte Dortmund/Cultureel centrum 'De Badcuyp' Amsterdam, The Netherlands


              Production of site-specific work (Stadskantoor Zwolle, The Netherlands)

              Commissioned by: Gemeente Zwolle, The Netherlands (01-07-2001)


2000     Production of site-specific artwork (Fort Lux)

             Commissioned by: Stichting Kunst & Cultuur Noord-Holland


1995     Production of site-specific artwork  in a house in the city centre of Utrecht

             Commissioned by "Festival a/d Werf", Utrecht

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Born:              3-1-56, Dordrecht, The Netherlands

Education:  1977-1981 Graduate Art Academy St. Joost, Breda, sculpture

                         Working as an independent artist since 1982

Peter Bogers