

2021       Galery ‘Marian Cramer Projects’ exhibition: ‘Scientifica’

2020      Museum Geert Groote Huis, Deventer  (‘Roadmovie)

2016     ‘Bodyscanning’ Parts Project, The Hague, The Netherlands

2015     ‘Villa De Bank’, Enschede

2014       ‘C-space’ gallery, Beijing, China

2009      Artist File’, The National Art Center', Tokyo (NACT), Japan.

2007      ‘Play-Rev.-Play, Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, B.R.D.    

2006       ‘The Unified Field’ , the Netherlands Media Art Institute: Montevideo/TBA, Amsterdam

2006     Moments Partagés’, ‘District’ Gallery, Marseille, France (initiated by Videochronique)

2005      ‘Fairy Fake’, occasional gallery: ‘Kantoor Alma’, Amsterdam, Netherlands

2003      The Secret Place Of The Most High’, Pictura, Dordrecht,  Netherlands

2002      "Shared Moments" Wood Street Galleries, Pittsburgh, PA

                "Only Human”, Amelisweerd, Central Museum, Utrecht, Netherlands

2001      Retrospective exhibition at "Split international festival for new Film," Split, Croatia

                "Shared Moments”, De Badcuyp, Amsterdam, Netherlands

2000      "Play-Rev.-Play”, Red District Gallery, Marseille, France

1999      "Force II”, Vertikales museum/Felix-Nussbaum-Haus, Osnabrück, Germany

1998      "Grand opening", Montevideo/TBA, Amsterdam, Netherlands

1996      "Force", Tschumi Paviljoen, Groningen, Netherlands

1995      "(Alter) Ego-documenten", Gallery René Coelho, Amsterdam, Netherlands

1993      "Noises, Images & other explorations", Het Archief, Den Haag, Netherlands

1992      "work", Gallery Im Winter, Bremen, Germany

                "work", Gallery René Coelho, Amsterdam, Netherlands

1990      "Neocortex", Frau Holle, Amsterdam, Netherlands

                "Breathing world", Gallery René Coelho, Amsterdam, Netherlands

1989      "work" Gallery Stalker, Breda, Netherlands

1988      “The plumbers’ cocktail lounge”, De Zaak, Groningen, Netherlands

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Born:              3-1-56, Dordrecht, The Netherlands

Education:  1977-1981 Graduate Art Academy St. Joost, Breda, sculpture

                         Working as an independent artist since 1982

Peter Bogers