Group-exhibitions until 1996


1996      "Set The Light", De MelkFabriek, Den Bosch, Netherlands

"Hybris," Gallery of the Free University, Brussels, Belgium

"IMPAKT Festival," ‘t Hoogt, Utrecht, Netherlands

"International Festival of New Film and Video," kralja Tomislava, Split, Croatia

"Two video-projections in the city centre," Tschumi Paviljoen, Groningen, Netherlands

"Bogers & van Lent" Gallery Fotomania, Rotterdam, Netherlands

1995      “Shaking patterns”, W139, Amsterdam, Netherlands

"Babbage dream," Centrum Beeldende Kunst, Groningen, Netherlands

"Festival a/d Werf," house in citycentre Utrecht, Netherlands

"Vlinderslag," Zuiderbad, Amsterdam, Netherlands

"Cultura Nova”, University, Heerlen, Netherlands

"Bogers & Fotomania" Kunsthal, Rotterdam, Netherlands

“Impulsen”, C.B.K. Dordrecht, Netherlands

1994      "Without The Word" Librije, Zwolle, Netherlands

"Festival a/d Werf," Sterrenwacht Sonneborgh, Utrecht, Netherlands

"Water op Bouvigne" Kasteel Bouvigne, Breda, Netherlands

"Ideas of Nature", Artotheek Zuidoost, Amsterdam, Netherlands

"Life by Life", Museé d'art Moderne, Paris, France

"Neo Natuur", Kunstpassage, Den Haag, Netherlands

"work" Gallery Fotomania, Rotterdam, Netherlands

"Ich + Du, sebstbildnisse", KUBO, Bremen, Germany

1993      “Retorica”, Picture Parking Festival, city-centre Venlo

"WRO Sound Basis Visual Art Festival", National Museum, Wroclaw, Poland

"WRO Sound Basis Visual Art Festival", Centre Sztuki Wspolczesnej Zamek Ujazdowski, Warschau, Poland

"Videovisit", Hooghuis, Arnhem, Netherlands

"Nóóó, you don’t understand", De Uitmarkt, Amsterdam, Netherlands

"ICA, “Sound and Vision” De IJsbreker, Amsterdam, Netherlands

"Skrien Festival Weekend," The Dutch film-museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands

"De Kracht Van Heden," Loods 6, Amsterdam, Netherlands

1992      "Breathing world”, Aleph, Almere, Netherlands

"Huis & Haard”, De Salon, Groningen, Netherlands

"It’s a beauty,isn’t it", Lokaal 01, Breda, Netherlands

1991      “Shau mir in die augen”, Fuchs Drogerie, Kassel

“VOX festival”: De Lantaren,Videoconcert, Rotterdam, Netherlands

"Videoviolence" Lace, Los Angeles, CA

1990      "Noordkunst," Prins Berhardhoeve, Zuid Laren

"Nóóó,you don’t understand",  De Salon, Groningen, Netherlands

"Work" Gallery René Coelho, Amsterdam, Netherlands

1989      "Videofestival 1989," De Meervaart, Amsterdam, Netherlands

"Life by Life", Artoteek, Dordrecht, Netherlands

1988      "The Plumbers cocktail lounge", De Zaak, Groningen, Netherlands

"Human 87", De Gele Rijder, Arnhem, Netherlands

1987      "Campol 86," De Waag: videoproject, Amsterdam, Netherlands

"Zaad" Pictura, Dordrecht, Netherlands

1986      "Zaad,"’ Artoteek, Den Haag, Netherlands

1985      "work" Van Reekum-museum, Apeldoorn, Netherlands

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Born:              3-1-56, Dordrecht, The Netherlands

Education:  1977-1981 Graduate Art Academy St. Joost, Breda, sculpture

                         Working as an independent artist since 1982

Peter Bogers